On this miraculous day, Amanda and Roxi let me sleep in all the way to 10am - I will argue this isn't sleeping in. However, when it's a school day, we have to be out of the apartment before 6:30am... so I see the argument here.
It was still before 2pm.
Either way, we were off to find a doctor to look at Amanda's injured foot.
Upon finding that visiting a doctor would be a few thousand baht, I asked Amanda if she'd rather a doctor cut her toenail off and charge her that money or if she'd like to spend it on booze and have me do it for her.
I'm proud of Amanda's life choices.
We went back to the apartment, grabbed the nail kit, and headed off to old town. (The nurse at the clinic was nice enough to re-wrap her toe... so we were set for a while!)
We couldn't help ourselves. Somehow we magically reappeared at the Cafe and Art Gallery that we had loved from days previous. As we ate breakfast, the tide came in and the water swelled below us. Fish came up and took the small pieces of bread I was dropping into the water.
A taxi service across the street from the cafe set up our hotel pickup for Tuesday pickup and then we went shopping! Amanda found a beautiful scarf made from Thai silk and Roxi got a hand-carved wooden magnet. I was looking for a romper, but I couldn't find the CORRECT one.
It started to rain as we left Old Town. We drove up the right side of the island (most of the infrastructure is on the left side, so we got to see a lot of the forest). When we reached the peak, we started to come back down the left side. At this point, it was down-pouring. It's very difficult to 3G1M in the pouring rain, so I found a turn-off for a beach and we headed in.
It was Laem Kho Kwang beach. It was ... not the most beautiful beach on Koh Lanta. Being on the northern most side, it was clearly a tourist-infested place during high season. It would have been a perfectly lovely beach in Florida. But we weren't in Florida, were we...
The highlight of LKK beach was the jellyfish. Not the sea lice, but the actual jellies! There was a small one that was swimming near us and I used the water to swirl it around and toward the surface! After playing with the little guy for ten or so minutes, we needed to get out of the water. Those sea lice hurt!
We drove south, removed Amanda's toenail, changed at our rooms, and headed off to Maria's favorite beach: Ao Nui Beach.
It was decently hard to find.
You have to park your bike on the side of a mountain, secure EVERYTHING onto your bike, and walk down a steep trail until you get to the bottom.
Anyone ever take the bunny trail in Lanesboro from the top of church hill to the park? Yea. That. It wasn't anything too wild, but imagine that Sylvan Park was actually the most beautiful beach you've ever seen.
We spent a couple hours there. There were tidal pools and monkeys. There were minimal sea lice. On top of this, I got hit by a huge wave of Tapie. We've joked about this tapeworm for 6 months now and it always seems to come at the most inconvenient times. (Speaking of which, I've been symptom free for the last 36 hours as I'm writing this post... which is a new high score for a while!)
So Amanda and Roxi played volleyball on the beach while I curled up in the sand and actively didn't scream.
As the sun began to set, we took off for a better vantage point to watch. We stopped at an outdoor restaurant, The Sunset Restaurant (aptly named), applied ample bug spray, ordered drinks, and settled in as the sun slipped below the horizon. Neither the food nor drinks were memorable, but the view was absolutely spectacular.
Honestly. They put raw crinkle cut fries in my massaman curry. It's supposed to have potatoes, but that was a new lazy low. The actually curry sauce was good though.
We got back to our hotel, but all of us were still feeling something else: banana pancakes.
Remembering a stand down the road, we took off walking. It was about 1.5km away from our hotel. Along the way we checked out other street food vendors and shops, but we didn't officially stop until we got to the pancakes.
These pancakes were green! They were made from pandan (banana leaves) which gave them a beautiful light green coloring. Honestly, Roxi's was the best. It was cashew, banana, and nutella. She did not walk the middle path and it paid off. Amanda's was also delicious. She skipped the nuts and got a banana nutella. I got a coconut banana and it would have been delicious if it had any sweetness to it, but it ended up just being bland. The two bites I stole from my friends were the best part.
We walked back and tried to talk to Amanda's mom. Unfortunately, the internet connection on one of the two sides wasn't working well so we ended up not being able to have a conversation.
Not two minutes after hanging up with Mary, we were both asleep.
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